The terms “disability” and “insurance” coupled with the phrase “social security” make this an easy guess for people. It sounds pretty self-explanatory and there couldn’t possibly be more to it, right? Wrong.
The fact that there are 61 million American adults living with a disability of some sort yet only about 8.2 million receive any SSDI benefits means, there’s a lot we perhaps don’t know about the SSDI.
While hiring an SSI attorney is the right approach to learn, here are a few basic things we can tell you about the social security disability benefits.
You Can Qualify on Your Parent’s Work Records
A lot of people with a serious disability hoping to file for SSDI may be younger than 22 years of age in which case it’s not logically possible for them to be able to gather the necessary documentation including the work hours.
In these cases, it may be possible for a child to qualify on their parent’s work records. However, there are of course several ifs and buts to this that can be explained to you by a social security lawyer.
You Don’t Lose Your Benefits Right After Rejoining the Work Force
A lot of people who receive social security disability insurance may be able to join work at some point in their later life. And some may even be reluctant due to the fear of losing benefits right away. But there’s nothing to fair.
This is because the SSA has a very comprehensive program called Ticket to Work in place. This program basically allows SSDI recipients to start working again while gaining the insurance benefits for a predetermined “trial work” duration.
SSDI Is Meant to Be A Long-Term Solution
Even though you can join the work force back at any point when you feel up to it (through the Ticket to Work program of course), it’s worth knowing that the insurance itself is designed to be a long-term program.
This is made obvious by the fact that the eligibility criteria is that one must be expected to be disabled for about a year or longer, or the condition has to be terminal. This way only the most severely impaired people who do require long-term benefits are vetted.
But this shouldn’t discourage you from applying for the social security disability insurance. You may not realize it, but the social security system is quite comprehensive and if you’re not sure of your eligibility, you can get in touch with our legal experts to be sure.
We offer free consultations, call us today!
Disclaimer: Information in this article is provided for general informational purposes. It may not reflect current laws in your region or state. It isn’t intended to substitute legal counsel.